Arkansas Engagement Photos : Amy Eichler + Weston Passmore

If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If it is worth having, it is worth waiting for. If it is worth attaining, it is worth fighting for. If it is worth experiencing, it is worth putting aside time for.
— Oscar Wilde

Let’s just be totally honest here. If you’re in Northwest Arkansas and you haven’t heard from Amy Eichler you’re probably living under a rock. She’s the brilliance behind those colorful, beautiful paintings of animals hanging in all of your trendy friends houses. I’ve known Amy for about a decade now in a few different lives. I was actually her personal trainer once upon a time. Before my carrying a camera was enough to support my family, I doubled as a trainer and she was one of my very favorite clients. We also have ran in really similar circles for years with most of our friends somehow knowing each other but never really colliding, and of course I’ve shot both her and her amazing mom a few times to help them with some social content to help market themselves as artists but when Amy called me to tell me she had a ring on her finger I have to admit I was totally beaming. This is a girl with a huge heart and so much talent that simply deserves love. She’s one of those people who just makes a room brighter and really does add value to the people around her. I was curious as to who this guy was that won her over (she’s a bit of a type A personality) and in walks Weston. Calm, cool, affectionate, funny, easy going. Check Check Check. The dude makes her totally swoon over him and he doesn’t even know it, he’s busy swooning himself. It’s pretty cute to watch if I’m honest and I have to admit that nearly every time I showed Amy a photo of the two of them during their shoot she got tears in her eyes. This is the guy she’s been waiting for, this is the woman he’s been looking for and I somehow got lucky enough to hold the camera. I can’t wait to work along side my dear friend Amanda Reed on this wedding and see it all come together. There’s not a doubt in my mind that this wedding will be one of the most beautifully creative, authentic, passionate weddings I’ll photograph in my career and I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see it come together.


Arkansas Photographer - Miles Witt Boyer - Super awkward and ok with it.


MattLane Farm . Breeana + Nick