Arkansas Photographer - Miles Witt Boyer - Super awkward and ok with it.

This is Me. I’m a bit of a mess sometimes. I love some old man stuff like records and bourbon. I’ve tried to teach myself to play the guitar about 100 times but never stick with it for long enough to really get any good. I love writing poetry but nobody ever gets to read it. I drum on the steering wheel and sing in the shower. I’ve never had a favorite color, love everything from John Mayer to TuPac and these days go to sleep nearly every night reading the bible on my phone. The truth is - I’m pretty good at marketing. In fact there’s a handful of companies these days that pay me to help me with their marketing because I’ve learned how to do this pretty well but it’s easy sometimes to get sucked into the marketing and forget to admit to the world just how imperfect I really am. This post is all about the two sides of things. The truth is that for every incredible marketer there’s an insecure artsy kid hoping people drink the Koolaid. The great news is that I’ve been able to bring a few people along side of me in this business that have done nothing but made me better. Of course Melissa and I started this company together, but 6 years ago we added a guy to our team after a quick lunch at Taziki that would totally shape the way I see light and story. Max Grubb shot all of these shots of me with a new camera FujiFilm sent me to play with for a few months. Ironically when this camera came in, he was the first call because I knew he’d want to play with it too. Him and Jared are almost always behind the images of me that we use for marketing stuff but he’s also one of the most talented, kind, and creative guys I’ve ever known. So this blog doesn’t have much of a point really. Just a bunch of photos of me in 1907 at the new Onyx Coffee, giving Max something to shoot and us some new marketing material to use to promote things like workshops and brands we’re working with but behind it all is the grit. The noise. The imperfections. My crooked nose or awkward smile. The way I can’t sit still and I like to make sure I always sit with my back to the wall. The weird stuff is what makes us all special is often the stuff we try to hide when we’re marketing ourselves but I think it’s important to stay humble and honest with the world around you. We may call ourselves a Collective and travel a bit, but the reality is we’re just a group of friends hanging out, still trying to leave a bit of a mark on the world around us and still waiting hopeful for the next wedding inquiry to ding in our inboxes. We love weddings, love fashion, love people but most of all what I love about this job is doing it alongside my family, my friends, and the place that I live. This is me. Messy office, weird taste in music, obsessive about light, and compulsive about the way my t-shirts fit.


Arkansas Wedding Photos | Ballroom at I street | Miranda & Tyler


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