Connecticut Coastal Wedding . Chelsea + Jeff
This wedding was one I have been looking forward to for over a year now. There is something about the air in the North East that gets me just pumped to shoot. Maybe it’s the fact that I am out of my usual spots or working with new people, new vendors, unique chance to prove what I can do. There is something about that unknown, that pressure to excel more because I get the “oh, why would they fly you in from Arkansas” question. This trip had lots of change but honestly changes that I think everyone was so excited about. New venues, new challenges for the wedding day, new date. I do need to brag, though, on Chelsea and Jeff, this weekend was a whirlwind, literally. When a tornado touched down in the town, their big day would happen at the night of their rehearsal; most people would be deflated. Feel defeated, underwhelmed, and frustrated. First COVID, now a tornado ripping through our town? These two AND their families were quite the opposite, though. No matter what came their way, whether COVID, a tornado, or having ZERO power at either of their ceremony or reception spots did not stop them. They found a generator, they got ready off solar energy, and they all rallied and had one of the most laughter-filled and love-filled days I have been apart of! I am excited to be sharing a wedding that was not at all the original plan. A wedding day that could have been nothing but tears about what all went wrong; instead, it was a wedding of nothing but smiles, tears of overwhelming joy. The Sun kissing every single moment of this day! Here is to Chelsea and Jeff and the fantastic day they both deserved, and they both got. Thank you for allowing these boys from Arkansas to come and document, participate, and celebrate with you both!