We live in a world where it’s far too easy to make fake look great. It’s why every single photo on this website and especially the stories below are filled with nothing but real photos of real clients. No styled shoots, no gimiicks, no pinterest page inspired work - just the most recent, most raw, and most real moments happening in my life and the lives of our clients lately.

Flying High. Wedding Story. Michelle + Danny
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." - Amelia Earhart // From my first trip up in a tiny little two seater plane with no doors, to the long trip in the vintage Mercedes down the runway to the aisle this wedding was amazing. It was a long 18 hour day for us - but worth every second.

WEDDING STORY. Johanna + Rusty
So much love and Jesus at this wedding. We laughed and sweat a lot but the story was pretty simple.

Mary Elizabeth + Cody
Mary Elizabeth + Cody had the quintessential southern barn wedding. A beautiful field backdrop for an outdoor ceremony gave away to beautiful decor and an incredible party inside the barn behind.

Bridal Beautiful
Mary Elizabeth is one of the prettiest people I've known in awhile. Super photogenic YES, but just all around pretty inside and out. Our bridal session with her was a dream and completely packed with neat locations and great light.